Blue food?
There are always surprises in store at Jean’s Cooking classes, often involving encounters with Alien creatures.…
There are always surprises in store at Jean’s Cooking classes, often involving encounters with Alien creatures.…
Day One of Jean TornĂ©’s Seasonal Kitchen programme, and Jean sets the context for the week…
A couple of simple lunch dishes courtesy of Hiromi Maeda in Tokyo, via Jacinda Torrance in…
Chorizo, Tomato, Potato & Haricot Bean Stew, Grilled Zucchini with Home-made Pesto, Blanched Kale.
The Wholefood Kitchen is entering the world of Twitter, under the slightly abridged name ‘wholefoodkitchn‘ If…
As ‘phoned in’ by Sandra Moleirinho, founder of Babajaan, and ambassador of summer living. Simple and…
This is something Jean TornĂ© once said to me. It was said with a smile, but…
A Parisian Cafe lunch classic: Confit du Canard with Pommes Frites and Side Salad. Absolutely delightful.
A simple meal using Parisian market produce: Fresh Goats Cheese on a bed of Lettuce with…
Inspired by a ‘Simple Guide to French Cooking’ on the premises, I prepared a marinade/rub of…