Lunch with Nat
A combined effort compiled by Nat & myself, showing the joys of cooking in partnership! A…
A combined effort compiled by Nat & myself, showing the joys of cooking in partnership! A…
There are a few places still available on Jean Torne’s Autumn Seasonal Kitchen cooking programme which…
David Rosberg’s finished article from the Sunday Demonstration, a Fruit Pie made with local produce: Blackberries…
The word of the day: eat/food E kai ana te pēpi i ngā rīwai. The baby…
Panfried Salmon, Poached Eggs, Sauerkraut & Caramelised Red Onion Chutney. A taste explosion!
A snapshot of ingredients assembled by David Rosberg in preparation for his Sugar-free dessert demonstration, part…
£1 for a bag of smiles. False advertising if ever I saw it. I have nothing…
Francoise Auvray and myself on stage and in action at Sunday’s Parks for Life event in…
A snapshot of a week spent with family and friends in the French countryside, making use…
Yours truly is 40! And to celebrate, Nat baked me a divine Banana cake, made with…