concord institute courses meals

Strategic Planning at Concord

In attendance at a weekend event at the Concord Institute called ‘Strategic Planning,’ which was anything but what you’d expect ‘strategic planning’ to look like. Hosted by the beguiling David Norris, the weekend was spent exploring the paradigms in which organisations and individuals exist; creating some powerful distinctions; and concluded with Constellation work (based on the work of Bert Hellinger) which explored the energetic field of the organisation. The event served to unearth a new paradigm which is likely to support the incredible work carried out at the Institute in the coming year. Fuelling all this activity were some delicious wholefood meals:

Day 1: A Chickpea Stew, accompanied by a Turnip and Rocket Salad and Vegetable Soup.

Day 2: Millet Croquettes, Tempeh with Gravy and warm Broccoli Salad, followed by a Clafoutis-style Prune flan.

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