concord institute courses

Once more with feeling

Excuse me for banging on. But there’s a course happening on May 20-22 called Basic Alchemy, held by a guy called Michael Rossoff. Not just any guy, he’s one of the pioneers of integrated health, incorporating Eastern and Western health and nutrition in a readily accessible and very powerful way. Its no exaggeration to say that my time spent with him has helped to transform my relationship to health and wellbeing. I also had a personal consultation with him, which provided some tools for me to address my approach to nutrition,  shed some light on my constitution, and happened to give me a full and comprehensive breakdown of my personal history and current challenges based on an examination of my face, tongue and eyes, and by drawing a quick sketch. Bargain.

When we are engaged in regular workshops and practices where we are seeking to advance ourselves, there is a danger of everything merging together to appear to be of a similar nature, and perhaps benefit. I have taken part in a whole array of things, as perhaps you have too. But if you want to explore the very core of our Being in a fundamental way,  our relationship to health and the idea of ‘illness,’ then Basic Alchemy is simply the business.

If Basic Alchemy appeals to you, or  a private consultation with Michael while he is here, please contact him directly by email.

Details about Basic Alchemy. Michael’s website.

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