Farewell to a remarkable woman. Kateia Burrows was laid to rest yesterday at a service in Aotearoa. (Te Karere) I was blessed to meet her in London almost eight years ago, and spend time with her over these past years, benefiting from her enormous knowledge and spirit. She helped awaken a deep connection with my homeland for myself and countless others. She was a driving force behind Manaia, Ngati Ranana, Maramara Totara, Kohanga Reo, Arte Toi. She was a true natural leader, in the rare, effortless form which combined strength with absolute grace and humility. At a memorial service at New Zealand House this week, a Ngati Ranana elder spoke eloquently of her, as a weaver of people. She wove threads between many of us, and planted seeds in many different ways. Invitations to learn and embrace Te Reo, Kapa Haka, roles as leaders, professionals, with family and community at the core. He spoke of the understanding in Maori culture, that we are here to acquire knowledge, and then pass it on. When this is done, it is time for us to leave, and enter a new realm. It is now Kateia’s time to leave us, but she lives on, in the taonga (treasures) she has so generously given. Kua takoto ana ki te rangimarie ia. (May she rest in peace)