concord institute courses

Where are you at with cooking?

What is your relationship with food? Do you experience fear? freedom? guilt? pleasure? nourishment? denial? restraint? excess? Do you eat food which is ‘good’ for you, and not feel satisfied? Or, eat food which is ‘bad’ for you, and feel guilty? Just some of the questions which may be provoked by spending time in the company of Jean Torné, during his upcoming Seasonal Kitchen course, Jan 22–28 at the Concord Institute. He will also be asking: ‘What is wholefood cooking? What does it mean? How can I approach cooking without being stuck in a model?’ His intention is to bring a sense of curiosity around food, and encourage an approach to wholefood cooking which is ‘surprising and inviting.’ There’s only a few places left. If you have any interest in taking part in something which may just transform your relationship to food, cooking, and yourself, I’d recommend you get in touch with me smartly, or call Concord directly on 020 7607 1140.

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