
Is sugar actually poisonous?

It just shows the world is changing, when I can happily post a Daily Mail article, passed on to me by Wholefood Kitchen partner-in-crime Zoe Waller. Sometimes, sensational headlines are welcome. In this article, Sugar is placed in the same category as Alcohol and Cigarettes as a public health enemy. Refreshingly candid. Our relationship with sugar is intriguing. I’ve been exploring mine of late, and beyond questions of being ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for me, I’m beginning to appreciate the physical effect it has on me, my mood, my sense of ground and wellbeing. The results are pretty definitive. I’m with Doctor Lustig on this, that it is a toxic substance, best avoided, or at least moderated. Check out the full article here.

Click here to see a CBS news report including an interview with Dr Lustig, and a Youtube clip of his presentation ‘Sugar: The Bitter Truth.’

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