concord institute courses

Transform your relationship with ‘illness’

I invite you to take part in a weekend workshop called Basic Alchemy, with Michael Rossoff, May 28, 29 & 30 at the Concord Institute. It’s a course which has provided vital reference points for me in my understanding of my own health and wellbeing. Michael provides an explanation of Oriental Medicine & Nutrition in accessible, simple, straightforward language, and provides a vivid contrast with Western Medicine which tends to view illness and disease as an external force which must be eradicated or overcome. Fear of illness is pervasive in the world, but Basic Alchemy is a step towards a more accepting and compassionate understanding of ourselves and our bodies. As time goes on, I am less adamant about knowing the right answers, but also less fearful in not knowing. Basic Alchemy played a huge part in this emerging sense of freedom.

See Michael in action here: The Power of Natural Healing (video link)
For more programme details, please contact the Concord Institute on 020 7607 1140.


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