Mutsuko Friday
Friday night’s meal: Chestnut Rice, Haddock with Kuzu Sauce, Winter Greens with Walnut Sauce, followed by…
Friday night’s meal: Chestnut Rice, Haddock with Kuzu Sauce, Winter Greens with Walnut Sauce, followed by…
Ebe gets to work on the dessert, a Grain Coffee Clafoutis, using Barley Cup. Mutsuko shares…
Tuesday night dinner from last week’s Seasonal Kitchen with Mutsuko Johnson: Five Taste Rice with Toasted…
A message from Mutsuko Johnson, after day one of her Seasonal Kitchen programme taking place this…
‘Every bag of whole grain brown rice, farmer spent a year to harvest, pack, gather and…
I invite you to take part in a masterclass with Mutsuko Johnson, a remarkable Macrobiotic and…
A thought for the day, with love and thanks to Mutsuko Johnson Four Corners (Native American…
I am finding more and more how important it is to eat wholefood Macrobiotic cooking. I…
Early in the Foundation Course programme, I received an invitation to cook a Saturday lunch for…
The meal plan for the lunch for day two of ‘The Curious Case of Macrobiotics‘ workshop…